the locks on the church door had been changed, so he started knocking.
this was the sunday three women were to be ordained in this church as deacons.
the church folk in the area heard about it, and were completely against it, so they got the ball rolling on the pastor's expulsion.
"ain't no woman gonna hold such a position in this church."
in this church, the woman can be the mother, the usher, the cleaner, the announcer. but definitely not in any position of power.
therefore she is reduced to nothing more than the evangelical whore.
and by 'this church' i mean most of the christian churches i've found myself frequenting since the days of old.
and then we come to 1 corinthians 14:33-35: "...As in all the congregations of the saints, women should remain silent in the churches. They are not allowed to speak, but must be in submission, as the Law says. If they want to inquire about something, they should ask their own husbands at home; for it is disgraceful for a woman to speak in the church."
had corinthians been placed in the old testament, christians may be able to excuse it like they do the 'no pork' rule found in deutoronomy 14:8...
but this is in the new testament.
a lot of the blame could be placed on constantine - a man very much against women, and also aided in the church's enculturation.
he was soo much against women, he removed many from the bible, and those that remained had very limited power. hence mary magdalene becoming a whore instead of the wife of jesus.
he removed the mother from the trinity and replaced her with a 'holy ghost.' (the original trinity: father, mother and child)
women have began taking on leadership roles.
my last membership in a baptist church, was a in a church led by rev. peggy bryce - a woman.
there are plenty of CO-pastors that are women now, and pastors as well.
not sure what the point of this writing was...
but it's sunday, i think, and i just felt like saying some shit.
feel free to respond as always, but please go on more than faith if you want to argue or debate. state information that can be pulled up, found, easily obtained...
everything here i've said can be found, and i can give you sources.
and do not argue in my honesty box like most of the arguing folks thus far.
they only get more upset with me when i tell them what i think about them and theirs.
1 comment:
The beginning of 1 Corithians 14:33 "For God is not the author of confusion, but of peace..." And that scripture is about maintaing order, knowing one's place in the church, but that it is totally irrelevant when speaking directly to God, we can have relationship with Christ w/o anyone in the middle
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