i sat on the E train headed to the world trade center site so i could catch the path back to my spot for some rest, relaxation and this bag of 10 empanadas i got from the colombians in jackson heights.
fall is almost here and all the flashbacks of fall 2002 are starting to hit again and i remembered that i needed to call my LB.
then this couple got on the train.
and like most new york city couples, half of the couple was ugly.
so after hating on the ugly dude for having a girl that looked like stacy dash naked, i quickly realized i was riding the train by myself.
but why?
maybe i don't look as good in person as i do on paper.
naw...that definitely isn't the issue.
this is me on paper:
righteously educated and free man.
i believe in happiness above all else.
i'm a ph.d student at howard university.
i'm a graduate of the great bethune-cookman college.
i belong to two of the greatest fraternities known to man:
paddle krakkin' goodfella gamma theta chapter of kappa alpha psi fraternity, ink. & prince hall f & a m hercules lodge #17
i've lived on my own (outside of my momma's house) since i was 18.
i make my own money.
i know how to hustle, and i do it everyday (being broke is not an option)
i go to school in washington d.c. - live in jersey - work in manhattan - supporting a son in private school in florida.
my personality is damn near perfect.
i cook meals that make panties dissolve.
all mothers like me (except one...but her judgment of men is skewed)
i could probably go on for pages, but you get the picture.
maybe i should drop out of school - get a blue collar job - forget the world is bigger than my back yard - and find some woman who's so preoccupied with pleasing everyone else, she doesn't notice me weakening her happiness and esteem day-by-day.
eff that. i ain't changing.
that's what i look like on paper.
below is what i look like elsewhere:
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